Title: Resignation
Pairing: Jonghyun x Key
Rating: PG
Genre: Angsty
Wordcount: 150
A/N: Written for
shineeworld's challenge #17; there he goes. Otherwise, I'd never write something so short Dx
It'll be forever only inside.
Charming and enthralling, he goes on stage with eight other boys, and I sit among the audience to watch.
“Jonghyun ah, I’ll see if you’re not there,” he had whined, already frowning and making me think what kind of friend I am. He was in a hurry, and when I reassure him of my presence there, all I get is a sidelong glance as he rushes away.
Performing, all skill and grace and blinding beauty, his eyes meet my unconditional smile and I know how much safer he feels then.
“Thanks Jjong, you know how much it means to me,” he tells me backstage because I’m always around. Sweaty, a little out of breath - not all that different of myself, he finally smiles.
I realize that I am the kind of friend who has fallen in love but will never do anything about it.
“I know, Kibum ah. I know.”