Jun 19, 2008 21:46
You know I've dated plenty of guys and I've never let myself open up or think or anything long term for the fear of getting hurt. I've been warned several times mostly by my father and mother that boys say whatever it takes in order to get in your pants and I know this is true but I let my guard down and ended up getting hurt. Thankfully I'm a pretty rational girl even when I get swept up in stupid moments of "you're so beautiful" and "I would never hurt you" ... so I didn't let him get in my pants but I did let myself get vulnerable and start to imagine what it could be like if we lasted even for a short time.
I don't know if he has left yet but the way he ended things, the way he's acted ... shows me that I meant nothing to him really. I've been so hurt by all of this but after the first 2 days of crying my heart out I put a tough face and told everyone I was fine and that "everything happens for a reason" and .... I mean we only dated for 3 weeks but fuck I never let myself feel anything for a boy... and I got screwed over.
Shit, it sucks. My best friend is busy with her new beau, which my ex-boyfriend introduced her to. I feel like a cow cause I've been so stressed with school that I've been eating unhealthy and not exercising but alas my final was today I have six weeks off from school and I'm going to get into the best shape possible before school starts up again.
My friends are all out on a girls night and I bailed because all I want to do is listen to sappy music and cry. Lesson learned ... never again.