Mar 01, 2006 00:10 large parties that come into a restaurant 15 minutes before closing time. seriously, how fucking rude have you gotta be to knowingly come into a place just before theyve closed (and its obvious cuz theres A. no one else in there and B. because the staff are visibly wiping shit down and putting shit up for the night). jesus. a group of about 20 fucking preppy yuppy fucking bitches and 3 of their fags came into the cafe tonight and took their sweet ass time to not only order food but sit there and drink too. plus, over about a 20 minute span more and more of them kept showing up.
we were NOT busy at all about 9 o'clock we already had most everything put up and ready to close for the night, but we had to leave the doors unlocked cuz we dont close til 10. i had to close the dish area tonight, and that area is takes longer than the other stations are every single time because you gotta not only wait for all the normal dishes, but you also gotta wait for all the food containers to clean, and then you gotta mop your area plus the bathrooms. for once i thought id actually not only close dish, but leave early tonight as well. boy were my hopes dashed 15 minutes before fucking closing time.
how fucking rude and oblivious have you gotta be, seriously?