Your cares and troubles are gone...

May 27, 2008 12:35

Well, I suppose it's about time to update this puppy. Let's start with a list =)

*We withdrew from school
*PK got a job in Oklahoma
*I'm talking to my dad again
*We bought a house!

Around February we were getting really tired to school and unlike all of you wonderful people who have graduated this semester, we decided to take some time off :O We're probably going to attend OU next year so that we don't have to pay out-of-state tuition. Congratulations to everyone btw, I am so proud of you guys!!! I'm sorry I haven't said it personally, things have just been hectic here~

I went ahead and got my pharmacy technician certification so I won't be boned job-wise. Patrick has friends who work for Dell so he applied for a position there at the beginning of March. Thanks to mintbunni and flat_line for letting me bug them about references.. and of course cloudstrife7th! He got the job and is working as tech support for the Army Reserve. So yay on the not being poor front.

His father consequently had a heart attack later that month =( and I stayed at the hospital with him for a few days. Hospital food sucks! Free juice and pudding is + though~ We've been staying at his mom's house in Oklahoma City. It is a full house and it looks like we have a used car dealership in the front yard (4 of which belonged to us). Oh, talking about cars, we bought a new car! Well, new to us =) It's a smokin' hot silver 2007 Dodge Magnun that looks like this (sorry I was too lazy to go and take an actual picture):

And uh, talking about buying things...

We made an offer on a house and they accepted it! So if everything goes okay with our lender, we should have a new house before June 20 yayyyy! Everyone is of course invited to come over =)=)
Click on ze picture for more pictures! Each area of the house (links on the left) has a couple of pictures. The house looks better in person I promise ;p We'll definitely have to redo the flooring, paint, and we'll probably take down the cabinets between the dining and kitchen. It's got a covered concrete patio (human area), yard for the woofles, and a huge hill thing. I guess I'm going to put my garden at the top so the dogs don't kill everything. The house is just a perfect starter house for us! It even has a cat door that goes into the 2 car garage so I can put the kitties' litter boxes out there~ It's also got this huuuge 6+ car driveway with carport, so we can have huge parties park our other cars.

So happy =) We've been going to Denton every/every other weekend to move our stuff up here and clean up the rental house. We have to turn in the keys on Saturday. Thank god we're getting out of that POS house. While we're down there, we've been visiting my parents. I saw my dad for the first time in 4 years on Mother's Day. So that's cool. We've been emailing back and forth for the last few months. I also told him that Patrick and I are married like a month ago haha.

Well, PK's dad had a triple heart bypass last Wednesday so I've been sleeping at the hospital since PK and Isaac (his older bro) are working, and Trace (his younger bro) is still in school. Trace started 6th grade doing pre-ib this year. I hope he can make it the next 6 years :X For those of you who graduated IB, what good things came from it? Was it worth spending all that time working hard and stressing out?

Well, that's all I can think about now. Now that I have no excuse not to post more often, I'll try (that's what I say every post amiright?) harder!
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