In a much better mindset peeps.
Blimey it's been one heck of a weather dance! Gale force winds, flash floods, hurricane rains, plus its been the coldest day in 8 years.
A freezing 13 degrees!
Oi I can hear your snickers from here you Brits. :P
While being shut in doors, I am currently planning to become the humming housewife. From off shore... if you know what I mean.
Let me explain.
John's decided (finally) to calm my nerves (too late for my nails though) and find a place (a house! with two bedrooms! and a little garden for me to potter in!) before I come over to England.
Now yes I KNOW its not London, and I KNOW I won't be able to run rag a tag around the pavement streets of London but at least London would only be an hour away, and not 26. :)
But I quite like the fact of my own little cottage, where I can go cooking crazy (and not have any lazy arse gits of flat mates eat me out of house and home...) and have a little vegie patch, and if the landlord will allow it, a tiny little chicken pen for one or two chooks.
I reckon if we place in the contract that we will relay the grass on the place before (and if) we leave it will be allowed, I mean, I've seen people keep massive bird aviries on rental properties and the landlords don't even flinch.
Yes, darlings I have settled down. Surprisingly I like it. I like the thought of getting the paper (or sending John to grumpily do so while I get some more nip in napland), cooking breakfast, fussing over lunch, making roasts, hosting dinner parties, BBQ's, having friends over, going out to dinner and actually knowing that the guy will come back and not just for a cup of coffee or to use the bathroom, and that warm genuine feeling that yes, I have a home.
This kind of kicked in when I asked John what we were doing as soon as I land. Here I am thinking 'Seeing the razzle dazzle of the West End, absorbing the scent of curry from Brick Lane and the East End, marvelling in the yobbish yet oh so boho atmosphere of the North End while trying to sneak away to Brixton to get some Jamaican cuisine.'
Instead I get; "Taking you home."
Makes one feel fuzzy inside. :) <- and yes I am making that face, with my smile that broad.
So at the moment, I've gone Ikea crazy. Luci would know this has been progressive for the past few days. Poor John doesn't know what he's in for, but I did warn him I'm go KOOKY in Ikea. Lots of 'We NEED this!' and "OOO!" and "Do you have it in red?"
Also I've gone recipe crazy. found Delia Smith's "Toad in the Hole with Onion Gravy" plus many other gems like this beauty; Yum yum!
P.S. One thing though, I'm damn not amused that I can't choose 'clucky' for my "Mood". :S