
Mar 09, 2015 16:59

Just finished reading Ishiguro's "The Buried Giant" and I must say I liked it.

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dawtheminstrel March 9 2015, 19:40:05 UTC
He's obviously a wonderful writer. His comments about fantasy irritated me though.


perelleth March 9 2015, 21:41:39 UTC
I can imagine! I thought of you when i read the the time I found Ursula le Guin's acid rebuke the book was already in my kindle, and I approached it with some skepticism.

It took long to take off, but it is solid once you overcome the style.

But it irritates me that fantasy or sci-fi can't be taken seriously unless a "literary" author like Ishiguro or MArgaret Atwood in the case of sci fi deign to go down into it.


dawtheminstrel March 9 2015, 21:50:24 UTC
In addition to the snobbery, one thing that can happen when you're not familiar with a genre is that you think you're being original when you're not. I read NEVER LET ME GO, and the "twist" (or truth) is one any SF reader would have seen coming a mile away.


perelleth March 9 2015, 22:10:59 UTC
Absolutely! I liked the minimalist approach to "Never let me go" but the twist didn't caught me by surprise either ( ... )


dawtheminstrel March 9 2015, 22:36:29 UTC
We have cover art for my book and I'm on the schedule for May publication, but that's it so far.

I've mentioned that I've been reading at open mic night at the local art center. Each time, there's also an invited writer. This last time, the writer was an assistant professor at the local university who wrote both literary stuff and fantasy. Someone asked her about crossing that boundary and she said she likes both, but sometimes she wonders why the sentences in genre fiction are "so crappy." To which I say, shut up. But I, for one, would like to include those deeper themes and characterization. That's my day dream.


perelleth March 10 2015, 21:35:10 UTC
Saw this and thought of you... ;-) It's from an essay by C.S Lewis defending adults reading YA.


dawtheminstrel March 10 2015, 21:44:33 UTC
Oh thanks. I'll look.


dawtheminstrel March 10 2015, 22:14:30 UTC
That was lovely. He's clearly thought about this and sees it in human, artistic, and historical context.


perelleth March 11 2015, 08:27:20 UTC
I loved it.


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