Advice is a Dangerous Gift...

Feb 28, 2015 20:56

..even from the wise to the wise." Gildor dixit.

This sentence is the other side of an "I told you so."

Even if the Tolkien-shaped muse left the building, I still find instances in which I'm reminded of his works, and famous quotes find different meaning as time goes by. As my mom likes to say: "you're not the same person that read that book at 20, 30, 40 or 50" and she's right.

While I've never been a great fan of saying "told you so", I've now come to equate those words to failure. My failure to communicate my understanding of things. For someone who has made a life out of coaching, advising and helping other people doing things right, being in the position of telling someone "told you so" is the biggest fail, a great downer. And so that's why I'm not fond of giving advice aymore, and also why I ended up really, actually understanding Gildor's meaning at a bone-deep level.

It's good to know that Tolkien still has new meaning after all those readings.
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