Worldbuilding and Secondary Characters

Feb 28, 2013 19:59

I was watching White Collar the other day...Was it yesterday, actually ( Read more... )

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elliska March 2 2013, 02:17:30 UTC
People who know their job to the seams, know and are known and respected -and feared- by everybody in their business, are loyal to a fault but also uncompromising, and also are self-assured enough not to need the trappings and ornaments of rank to exercise power, while loving being free of the bootlicking that comes with positions of political responsiblity. NOt many of those, but yet when you find them, they are jewels.

These are my favorite people.

You know what...this is totally random, sorry, but: since you're there, if you have a camera again, post some pics of Madrid. Any pics from anywhere there. I was just thinking about how long it's been since I've been there. I miss it.


perelleth March 2 2013, 08:40:56 UTC
i'm so sorry elliska!!! I´m back home now, and didn`t see this until this morning... Anyway, I still don't hae a camera or even a cell phone with a camera, didn't have the time for replacements... Also I was staying at a hotel in Plaza Cuzco, and our HQ is two blocks up Paseo de la Castellana, in a paralell street, and I just went from the hotel to the office and back for three days... BUt don't worry, since I'll sure have to come back some time this spring I'll take a set of pics just for you. I really can relate to that feeling... To me it is the same with Santiago de Chile!!!! :-)


elliska March 2 2013, 12:44:51 UTC
I'm glad your home! Sounds like a lot of work for your assignment, I hope you get a little break and then get right back into a long term contract. It was obvious how much you loved being back at a challenging assignment. :-)

Never been to Santiago. I have a week off next week and I swear it will be a miracle if I don't get on a plane and go somewhere. I am just having a fit of travel-envy. :-) I am teaching food vocabulary in class and I was telling students about my fav food in Spain (and they actually got a promise out of me to make some of them--this is Kentucky where I am teaching in a very small town. Any little thing I made them would be exotic.) But I was talking about this one little place I always went to that had patatas bravas that I loved and haven't had in ten years and I just about couldn't stand it!


perelleth March 2 2013, 15:51:03 UTC
what place? Las Bravas en el el Callejon del Gato? I really love that place....


elliska March 2 2013, 21:41:30 UTC
I'm racking my brain trying to remember. I can picture the front of the place, but I can't remember the name. The place I used to go to all the time is a small little place with maybe ten tables at most indoors but lots of seating outdoors and it was on my walk to a shop I went to a lot near Puerta del Sol. I need a plane ticket!!


perelleth March 3 2013, 10:09:48 UTC
I need a plane ticket!! LOLOL. You surely deserve one. Madrid is so beautiful in spring! May, with the Book Fair in Retiro is may favourite month to be there!

I wondered if you meant the original place for patatas bravas, which is the place where the original recipe was created, back in the 50s, although the place was there snce late XIXth.. The original place, in el Callejon del Gato was mentioned by Valle Inclan in Luces de Bohemia... and you know the origins of the sauce, don't you? that they put it in to encourage clients to drink more... The website is entertaining


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