When I arrived home from work on Friday, my internet connection was down - which also means my telephone was out (I’m a Vonage customer). I felt quite out of joint. At first I thought the whole internet was out, but then I started unplugging and re-plugging connector wires. Finally everything came back to life. Don't know if my unplugging and
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Your birds reminded me of the hummingbirds I would occasionally see in our backyard in Texas. I haven't seen any since I moved on from Arlington. Now the bird I see most often is the Canadian goose.
Your raging summer makes me appreciate the cooler days we had here last week; couple of days I don't think it got over 70f. But now we're back in a row of 90-plus days. I admit that last year when it hit 90 I was all "Thank goodness it's finally warmed up!" but this year, after another set of Denver seasons, 90 hits me like a ton of bricks.
I hope the djembe makes it back from the shop in good condition and minimal expense.
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