Apr 16, 2009 21:07
This has been a week of rediscovering how things look in focus - through my left eye anyway. Since my right eye is not yet "fixed," the view has been rather unbalanced. Even walking is sometimes tricky, especially on stairs. But it's still an exciting view - sort of a preview of things to come. I haven't abandoned by glasses entirely. It still feels a bit odd not wearing them; almost a naked feeling - I keep checking my fly. But I don't think it will take me long to set them aside (except for reading).
This has given me a before and after perspective that contained an unexpected discovery. The cataracts have caused more than just fuzziness. My world was getting darker as well.
Sitting outside at lunch today, I closed my right eye to enjoy the clarity of things to come. Then I closed my left eye to "enjoy" the difference. I was not prepared for what that difference contained. Not only was everything out of focus (even with my glasses); the world I saw was dimmer and covered with a yellowish haze. It's a very depressing view. I wonder how long I've been looking at the world (and probably life as well) through a glass darkly?
All that will change this Monday when I star in "Replacement Parts - 2."
I was originally told there would be about three weeks between operations, but last Tuesday the doctor said the left eye was healing nicely and he say no reason not to proceed with the right eye as soon as possible. When he asked if Monday would be too soon, I didn't exactly jump for joy - but I didn't hesitate either.
A thrill of anticipation vibrated through me.