
Mar 31, 2010 15:29

in the end, the flooding has been quite the adventure. no water actually in the house and on cursory inspection this morning it seems that it did not actually get much of the insulation under there wet either. so that's good. still wish I could get foam insulation blown in under the floor tho. actual impact on my house was low (so far!) plan is to put a fan under there and blow it dry.

our office has lost it's driveway. river road and 184 have washed out and so have most of the local parking lots. theres an unfortnate smell of oil around my yard from the leaking oil tanks next door to me. I think my actual soil is probably no longer organic (and anyway, a lot of it is now washed away)

there was literally no place in my yard except my steps to put things like my garbage can and my seedling flower pots to keep them from floating away downstream. lost a bunch of them before i managed to catch them. I was wading knee and thigh deep in the parking lot and tripped, bang knee down on the concrete in the water, and now my knee is really really sore. no cuts, otherwise i would probably have an infection from all the (actual) crap from septic systems in the water.

I called 911 about 2pm to ask where I should ask for sandbags should i need them. they said it would be a long time but if I smelled smoke or needed to evecaute i should call them. I would have had to get the guys in boats to get me out after dark since there was all kinds of stuff in the water going downstream and that probably would not have been safe. it was extremely cold in my house all night with all the cold water around, even though the heat stayed on fine, also phone and internet.

I guess the fence guy is not going to be putting in the fence today. oh and, classy neighbors? turning on the spotlight to protest my door lights in the MIDDLE OF AN EMERGENCY WHEN I MIGHT WANT THE RESCUE PEOPLE TO COME to my front door since they couldnt get to the back door?!?! fucking stupid. so yeah, stay classy neighbors! I talked to some other neighbors up the street, she told me they are mean to them too, so it's not just me. she was not surprised. have seen everyone out and about today, and our office driveway and downtown are total rubbernecking territory.

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