Steff and Jim sent me home from Salem with
Ten Points by Bill Strickland. They told me it was really good, but a bit hard to read. I think “excruciating" was the word Steff used. And it was. And it was still a great read.
The author, Bill Strickland, was abused by his father as a child. Horrific stuff. The book is about his fight to not become his own father in his relationship with his daughter and wife. He tells the story mostly through cycling, which is very important to him, a huge part of his life. (He's the editor of Cycling magazine.) Jim told me the book would make me want to race. And it did.
The story is touching. And very well written. It was a very quick read. He writes like a very talented magazine writer. Quick, clear and concise.
The best part of the book was a story about his wife buying his daughter a very special kitten. It actually made me go "Ahhhhhh" outloud as I was reading.