Dun-da-da-daaaaa. >_>

Nov 14, 2009 21:42

Well, she said. I'm back.


The victorious but somewhat anticlimactic return of linaeloisetook to your friends page, though it's not really fair of me to say so because I never actually left, just sort of shirked my duty for a reeeeally long time. Probably some of the people I'll add to my flist never actually knew me when I was keeping a journal regularly, and probably some of the other people I'll add have entirely forgotten I exist. In the immortal words of Bilbo Baggins: I know less than half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve. Except amend that last bit, I like all of you, and none of you are out to steal the deed to Bag End. But the first part, definitely. That's why I'm back again.

Thank you so much oddprofessor for the rename token!! It isn't that I don't love my old journal, cuz I do, but the creation of this new one was for a couple reasons. First of all, I'm lazy, and I would've had to trim my friends page anew, boot a bunch of communities and do a whole lot of maintenance on something that's a pretty nifty time capsule of me in my late teens/early twenties. I figured better to just start anew. I'm really excited to begin keeping a daily journal again and to be back in touch with a lot of people I haven't seen hide nor hair of in years (baranoouji, fauxophy, sandwichwarrior spring immediately to mind) and to read what my TR peeps are up to not in 140 character bites. :3

So... that's just about it. *gets cozy* I kinda missed you, LJ. And I definitely missed you guys.

- Linds.

flist love

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