OK, so I haven't posted in ages, which means I now have far too much to report than I have the time/energy to type, so I'll pick out the less dull stuff;
I went to the national eisteddfod in Abertawe (Swansea), where I worked a bit on the Bangor University stall, and competed in two choir competitions. We got first place in the 20-40 voice category, for the second year running. Lo, there was partying until very early in the morning (and singing in the taxi back to the hotel).
I had to face a supervisory panel as part of my course to see if I was permitted to continue with my PhED. They asked me a load of questions about what I wanted to write on and how I would proceed from here, but thankfully it wasn't too onerous and I'm now fine (OK, well I have to write a (nother) research proposal by next month to cover some admin8istrative cockup that happened somewhere down the line, but I'm not too worried about it).
On Saturday, my choir was, obscurely, asked to come and take part in the Radio 1 BBQ 6 weeks of summer thing with J.K. and Joel. They asked for a male voice choir, so we kind of fabricated one with some blokes I've never really met before, but we got to come to, ooh, Holyhead and perform arrangements of (What's that coming over the hill is it a) Monster and Horny, and we recorded a jingle for Chris Moyles' show, which may or may not have been/will be broadcast. Anyway, yours truly was asked to talk to the DJ (it may have been J.K.) and wax pithical about our choir and what the hell we were doing. I think that's the first time I've spoken/appeared on a UK-wide broadcast, though I don't realluy recall being too frightened--though I was acutely aware of talking bollocks and not remembering what I was going to say. I think they retaliated by printing
this picture on their website. Le sigh.
Though it did bring me some fame. I was accosted by some loud people in a pub in Bangor later that night, who wanted to know if "my singing face was my sex face". I'm pretty sure I have no idea. Though one of the women did provide me with her attention for most of the rest of the night, which was nice of her.
Um, yes, and
egg_shaped_fred and
symbelgal came over to stay over the weekend, and now my fridge has about a thousand cans of Kronenberg in it. How can I start a weekend in the company of these two loafers and end up with more beer than I started? Such conundra have puzzled scholars since the dawn of time.