Apr 24, 2010 11:11
So I finally have internet in my new house. It started working late on Wednesday. I'm now much happier. I'm up to date with Doctor Who again, which makes me happy. I still have the last episode of Ashes to Ashes to catch up on and the whole of Outnumbered. There's maybe a couple of other programs I've missed but forgotten were on but that doesn't matter because if I've forgotten them then they aren't important and I won't miss them.
We have a new boss man at work since Monday which is quite interesting for us. No idea how good he will be, time will tell. Also at work I'm starting a few new things. I'm preparing a presentation to give to Chief Engineers and managers etc on CFD in our department. I'm also learning a different in-house code for solving flows in networks. Plus I'm going to be developing a shiny new version of some CFD problem on the new software to see if we can get better results than with the old software.
Last weekend I wanted to go walking in Dovedale and I couldn't because I had to pick a parcel up from Loughborough on Saturday and I'd allocated Sunday to housework. So I decided I'd go this weekend instead. Only I can't go today because Severn Trent Water are coming to install my meter this afternoon between 1 and 4.
Hopefully I'll be able to go tomorrow instead. So I hope the weather holds out. It can rain all next week though - I need my grass watering - the turf is only a month old and still not fully settled in.