Today I've been very busy!
- I cleared out my wardrobe and threw away all the old clothes I don't think I'll wear ever again. Mum has a lot to take to charity shops now.
- I cleared everything out from under my bed, that involved climbing totally under my bed twice. It's a good job I'm not claustrophobic.
- All my old art work was under the bed and I have now thrown away most of it. I've kept a few pieces though and I might give some to my Nan.
- I've done 2 hours of turbulence revision and also a bit on one of my reports for Wednesday.
- I also made a smoothie.
Yesterday I was pretty busy too!
- I went to the bank to pay in my birthday money.
- I went shopping with Mum.
- We had lunch at Gran's.
- We cleared out 2 drawers in my chest of drawers and boxed lots of things up ready to move out.
- I did 2 hours of turbulence revision.
- I made a smoothie.