Thanks to
anjil for the Escher book thing. Thanks to all my other friends for birthday greetings and stuff yesterday. Overall I had a great day.
In the morning I got up and opened my cards. I had £20 in my card from Nan and some newspaper cuttings from her local newspaper that she thought I might be interested in. There was also a letter from her and Granddad. Mum got me a mini
plasma ball. I've put a link there because out of all the people I told about it yesterday, only Sabrina knew what one was.
I had an email from my old boss in Germany, Andrew, wishing me happy birthday and saying that if I still wanted a summer project then to apply asap and he'd see if they could sort one out for me. So I was pleased that he'd remembered my birthday, but somewhat peeved that he didn't mention the project a month ago before I signed up to the aneurysm one.
I went into uni and got into the computer lab by 11am. I did some work on one of my pieces of coursework. I did get quite a bit done before I left at 4:30 though. I got home at 5pm and had a package from
anjil and a big box from Mum. I had arranged to meet the others at 6pm, so I had an hour to get ready to go out. I'm afraid I didn't really look at the book that anjil got me yet. I'm sure I'll love it when I get the chance to look at it properly. Mum got me 5 books by
Ian Stewart. He's my favourite living mathematician and I did ask for some more of his books. Sabrina also gave me a present in that hour. the second season of Scrubs on DVD. We've been watching the first season on her computer together. She's got me hooked on it. But then I got her hooked on Doc Martin, so it's all fair. I've also been watching all of my british films with her that I have here. Also in that hour I did my stretches. I didn't complete them though because my left shoulder really cracked so badly that I pretty much screamed. Since then it has been popping and cracking a lot and I've decided to not do any stretches this morning at least. I also cooked and ate pasta. Not bad for an hour. I was a very busy bee.
Then Sabrina, Chris, Lindz, Mark, Tony and I all went bowling. I came last with a pitiful 56 points. My excuse was my hands and arms were in pain and I didn't really care if I won. We then retired to the pub over the road from the bowling alley. Oh I forgot to mention that Lindz got me a lucky bamboo plant, but I left it in the back of her car.
Last year I managed a whole birthday without shedding a single tear. This year I didn't I had silent tears streaming down my face for a few minutes in the pub. At that point there was only Chris, Tony and Sabrina left. I think I unsettled Chris by crying, but it was their fault. Him and Tony got me talking about the one and only birthday present I've ever had from Dad and they pushed me over the edge to tears. Chris walked us back to ours afterwards and on the way I ended up losing my rag and telling him what colour my dress is and stuff. So that's spoilt the surprise.
I ended up not sleeping until about 4am. Then I got up at 8:40am. I got into uni by 10:30 and it's taken me the last 30 minutes to write this entry. I'm very tired and a tiny bit hungover, but not too bad considering. Now I will get on with work. I have lots to do. Mum's going to pick me up at 6pm on Friday to take me home for the weekend. I'll be taking revision with me because my turbulence exam is next Thursday.