Oct 07, 2005 00:27
I'm up in a 24-hour computer room writing my diss. It's not going too bad actually considering the time and considering how much sleep I've had recently. I've got 1,134 words to go til I hit the minimum word limit, but I seem to have gotten a certain amount of flow going on the conclusion right now. Some of the middle still needs a few opinions added, but I'm doing them as I get to them sections in the conclusion. I kinda wish I had devolped my ideas this much while I was in Germany, but I guess it just wasnt meant to be. It's not that I didnt TRY to get most of this done out there. I bloody tried my hardest to get a lot of it done. But there was so damned much to research. Sometimes I think it helps to stand back from your work a while and then go back once you've had the knowledge floating around in your brain for a while.
I'm just on the edge. Fever pitch if you like. If I get to tense or much more tired or much less blood sugar then I'm likely to go over the edge and get the shakes, but touch wood and it'll all be fine.
I'm hoping the grammar isnt going to be too terrible, but I feel more confident about it since we did subjunctive in class and since Cakie kindly explained about how/why "in" can be accusative or dative.
I had a nap between 6 and 9pm, but I only had 4 hours sleep the night before.
Sorry to Skuddybaby if I was weird this week, I'm just overtired and preoccupied with this diss. I'm going to do baking and chill out stuff at the weekend as well as homework, so next week I should be as human as I normally would be.
Sorry to anyone I blocked on msn this week, it's not because I hate you or fell out with you, it's just because I needed to concentrate on my diss and I didnt want you distracting me.