(no subject)

May 30, 2004 10:22

so ive decided ive had enough with the journal cut things every entry. i dont know though im only gonna do it for pictures and icons and stuff but anyways...yesterday i went to mikes house around like 1 or 2ish. we had fun. he showed me around his house and such. we walked up to TWC so he could get a new skateboard. he got a pink one and i really like it. we went out on his boat and such (mike sorry for the incident baby) and we talked and all that good stuff. around 6 we went to this party store on our way to walking up to the fair..i got a jones but me being the bright person that i am..i got the wrong kind so i made mike drink it =). we went to another party store to wait for his friends but we almost got hit by a car hehehe. this time i got the right kind that i wanted. we went to the fair and met up with meghan and talked to jessi drew taylor and kc.  we walked around and mike went to go hang out with one of his friends. then me and meghan saw sarah, lindsey, and kylie. boy are they the greatest. we talked to//saw lauren bankes, angela, and i think her name was karla? yeah they looked hott. we went on rides and stuff, met up with ray (who i havent seen in like forever...and he got his braces off) and just talked. at 10:45 me and mike left and his dad took me back to his house for a little while then my mom picked me up there. i got home at 11:30ish and talked to some people on the phone. mike called me and talked to me until i fell asleep. now im up and looking for something to do. ::sigh:: anybody wanna play-call my cell.
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