May 09, 2006 11:59
The original idea for the tribute events started in I believe 2002, though I am quite bad with dates and years, so it could of been 01 or 03.. but I think it was 02.. The original idea was to create a huge 'super band' record all the material and release it at the event, which would of been an all day thing with each partcipants band performing, and the collective headlining the event. The first one was suppose to be a reproduction of Nick Cave's Murder Ballads. The real issue there was it was too dependant on other people with both money and commitments. The other issue was that most felt that it would not generate enough interest to warrent all the word needed to make it a success. So it was dropped... atleast from my end and was turned into another event which failed... oh well.. :)
Then there was another idea, for the following year, but it did not sit well with me, so I discarded it, but basically the same concept. With the last two tribute events, I did not pick the bands, or even really like the bands to begin with, as it was for someones birthday. With the first, the Cure tribute, I really did end up enjoying it, The Depeche Mode tribute gave me alot of respect for them, and even though I am still not a fan of them I can certainly hear that they are great song writers and covering thier songs did teach me alot.
But both those tributes were of bands that I really did not like and I couldn't really get into it. Last year after the DM trib I decided that the 06 version should be either NIN or Ministry, It was soon after voted to be NIN, which was fine, I am not a fan of NIN, but there are enough songs that I thought I liked enough to pull it off. And again, trying to put other peoples views above my own.
As it turns out, after spending two weeks only listening to them in my MD, at home and spending all the time trying to sequence the tracks I decided that I really really hate NIN and have lost all respect, as little as it was for them as a band, thier writing talents, thier sound, the use of the same damn three notes in most of the songs the exact same song structures/formulas.
So, now the question is, do I want to do Ministry or my other chioce, Killing Joke. Both bands have been in my top favorite for over half my life, and it is something that I can really enjoy doing. I put it to a small vote and Ministry won for this year. We'll doing Killing Joke next year. I would really love to do Big Black, but no one remembers who they are or really cares.
The plan is to do tracks from every release, except 'with sympathy', so this should still give a well rounded show, from the more synth orientted tracks, the industrial-ish ones and the full on guitar based songs.
I'll have the list of songs later today, I also may need some help figuring out some synth parts, as time is really running out and I wasted so much on the other crap.
I know this is going to piss off some people, and some musicians may no longer wish to be a part of it, which I hope will not be the case. But in the end, it is about what feels like the right thing for me to do.