woohoo! my first post!

Jun 27, 2005 18:06

Yes I'm supposed to be productive tonight. Dinner needs to be made, laundry needs to be done, house is (still) a mess, and I REALLY should go to the gym, but for no reason I can think of, I suddenly decided now of all times was the time to start a blog and kill 30 minutes or so. Friends have been doing this for a while, husband is a regular on LJ, so why now all of a sudden? No bloody clue! I'll see how often I manage to get on here since I really don't need another addiction but we'll see. Stomach is growling and hubby should be home soon so I suppose I should get off my duff and go root around the fridge in hopes of finding something remotely edible... at least I get to play with some new pots/pans! :)
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