Sep 18, 2008 13:05
Apparently my Epson printer needs replacing according to their tech support drone.
Let me tell you the woes of this printer!
For the past few weeks I've been having more and more trouble with the yellow channel - its a 6 cartridge, all singing all dancing unit that's about 2.5 years old (EpsonR340). I've gone through the cleaning heads and nozzle checks and changed cartridges and *nothing* has helped (infact it got a little worse..).
I did a photo catalogue to take to the PhotoCampLeeds08 Event a couple of weekends ago. It printed ok and everything seemed to be all ok.
How I was wrong - this morning I got up to start working on my Lighting Log. It needs a few updates of various things I've been doing in the last few weeks.
The edge of the first print out came out without any yellow channel, then an equally wide band that was yellow in the majority, then the rest of the print out was mainly blue. Thought it could be partially down to the image file being the wrong colour balance, so looked at it on Kian's beast - all fine on that front, it was all on the printer being an idiot.
So Kian persuaded me to talk to Epson tech people about it, which I tried in FireFox. In FF you can be connected to two agents and neither of them can see what you type, so I was disconnected. Then moved it to IE7. It worked perfectly in there (oh eck!).
Their response was that it needed servicing, which, considering it is out of warranty, is more/almost as expensive than replacing the unit - she then tried to sell me an all-in-one unit for £99.
So I'll be getting some flushing/cleaning cartridges for the printer as soon as I can. BAH!