visual studio 5? (damn Kian talking in the background)

Feb 11, 2007 22:39

I'm currently at Kian's parents' house.

Had dinner and been painting and glueing and drawing and eating and drinking...

Last night we went to Nikki G's for a Sing Star party. That was what Kian was going to do while I went into Manchester. Sadly funds did not allow the trip to Rock World.

Much fun was had. Something is going on in my head.. Been craving stuff again. Being very good though.

Need to go home soon. Liz isn't well (Kian's mum). I can't type too well now.. Keep Mistyping stuff.

Installed Diablo 2 today too. I'm going to be playing through it in lunch breaks when not playing on my DS in class.

Ohh yeah, I'm really looking forward to the Nine Inch Nails gig now. Going to be listening to it a lot in the next few weeks.

social life, kian, nine inch nails, university, treats, family, art, money, stress, music

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