Mar 01, 2006 11:37
No college again today. Yesterday my bag was much too heavy for me and I put my back out. This is a very unpleasent thing to do. I went to bed last night and used the electric heater so I wasn't too cold over night (something that can have a huge effect on my back, the cold) and woke up this morning not being able to move too well. I got dressed very slowly and carefully and got myself downstairs by 10:15. At which point everything stopped moving. So I phoned into college and took painkillers (two 30/500 cocodamol). I'm now feeling very drunk and I'm in need of food. I really hope my back starts playing ball soon, I've got work tonight.
At least the laptop is working well enough for me to sit on the cough and type and read.
I may well get some of my classics coursework done this afternoon. I also need to read some of my Aenead, York notes and Spark notes too. Also need to do some photography work. Hmm Need to get some ideas sorted for that.
duke of edinburgh,