Yesterday I put up class photos from my elementary school years. They seem to be a big hit. I had made a few connections with people from that time before this, but now I've had a flood of new contacts. They've been helping me tag the photos, which has led to even more contacts.
When I look at their profiles, it gets kind of depressing at times. Most of them are married and have children. One guy that got married before he even graduated from high school is single now. Somehow I don't find that surprising. I remember he was pretty religious, as one day in middle school he brought in a wood cross necklace, and informed us all that if any satan worshipper touched it, the person would be burned because the cross had been blessed by the Pope himself. On many occasions later on, I really wished I had asked to hold it and said "Nope, it doesn't work!" Ah, well.
Then there was a recent update by the Jesus Lady from Nintendo. You know, the one that always wore patriotic Jesus themed t-shirts every day? And talked CONSTANTLY about what church activity she was doing that night? Yesterday she updated her status to:
I want Christian to help me take back this state for Jesus Christ. I am so tired of my right as a Christian being walk on so I am going to fight for my right
Which is, quite frankly, both baffling and insulting to me. I had half a mind to reply with a variety of comments, like "What about people of other religions? Should they be rounded up and executed?" or "Why don't you try being an atheist/Muslim/homosexual/minority and THEN tell me what it feels like to get your rights walked on?" or "you do know this ISN'T a Christian nation right?"
I mean, I know for damned sure if I had ever worn a t-shirt so blatantly declaring my atheism like she declared her Christianity, I would not only have caught hell from most everyone, but also been told to not wear it, or possibly even lost my job. (Although I am sure they would have found some sneaky reason to fire me so as not to get sued.) I know when Damian wore one of his heavy metal band t-shirts depicting Jesus on the cross in a questionable way, he had people telling him about how Jesus really does love him.
If Jesus ever existed (questionable, in my opinion, it was probably a lot of good-deed-doing people mashed into one) I think he would be horrified that his message of "hey let's all be nice to each other" got so distorted into "love me or go to hell, and force everyone else love me too." So yeah. But as an atheist, I know it would be foolish and downright dangerous to go shouting that on the street corner. People don't like to hear that sort of thing, and I am sure my trampling would be more than metaphorical.
Tired. Tired of it all. My meth addict cousin, who thinks nothing of screwing people over for her own benefit (including her family) is a Protestant church member so that obviously makes her a good person, right? I am sure if she knew I was an atheist, she'd think she was way better than me. People like her think they can do as much bad shit as they want, but it is all ok because Jesus forgives them and has a place for them in heaven just because they believe. That sort of mentality just disgusts me to no end.
But we need to make this a Christian state, right? Because the poor Christians are getting their rights trampled on. (And I am sure the Jesus Lady doesn't include Catholics or many other Christian groups in her definition of "Christian," which has always been very weird to me.)
End Rant.
Clearly I have too much time on my hands. This is the third week of no work. Even though I filed for unemployment the first week I was unemployed, they said I couldn't start filing until the next week. So I did, and had to say, yes I've been looking for jobs, no I haven't had any income this week, and etc, and what did I get? Some bullshit letter about how that week was a "waiting week" and I couldn't get paid for it. Waiting week?? The amount of money they are giving me is NOT enough to survive on, and my bills sure as hell don't have a "waiting week."
They finally sent me my first check this week. It was such a small amount there is no way I can survive on it. If nothing better comes up, I WILL have to go back to Nintendo as soon as I return from my trip. (Assuming I can pass a drug test. I gave it up the first week of unemployment but THC stays in your system for fucking ever.) And despite having signed up for direct deposit, unemployment mailed the goddamned check. Fucking assholes.
Yeah, I am in a ranty mood I guess. I applied to one job yesterday and I've been digging through craigslist for more but a lot of them look like scams and most of the rest I am not qualified for. (sigh). I went to the doctor on Tuesday and she is helping me adjust my depression meds so hopefully I won't spiral into some catastrophic hole. She wanted me to go to counseling and although I think I would like that, we ultimately agreed my shitty low-income insurance wouldn't cover it, and my financial situation means I can't pay for it myself.
At least I have the support of my family and friends. Or I think I really would go insane.