More on Aspie, roommates, and a creepy ad

Nov 03, 2009 20:20

Aspie continues to make himself a nuisance at work. He's slow, messy, screws up his work, and the other people in his area have to make up for him so they can reach their quota. It is hard to meet the quota in Sort, because only certain units qualify, and you don't know if one will qualify unless you run a test on it. Or several tests. I don't know, I haven't worked there. I don't want to work there. I worry I'd do well at it, because I am kind of OCD about this sort of thing, and then they'd make me stay there forever. Instead I'm helping our line make 25% or more over our quota every day on the line with Kyle and Canned and Mozart and all those people.

We have good times there. We share various humorous stories of our pasts. It seems like we've all had a colorful history, even though I'm 7-10 years older than they are. They've had much more interesting teenage-hoods than I did *sigh* but oh well. Aspie is a favorite topic, because we're so tired of him.

Our hope is that his time there is limited. He says he's been there since July, but if the attendance policy is actually enforced, he's missed his allotted days in just the time I've been there. One day he claimed he was having an asthma attack (I doubt his credibility), and couldn't work, but for some reason he felt well enough to sit around the break room playing his PSP for much of the afternoon. We minions were displeased.

Ever since the day I told him he was creepy, he's been staying the hell away from me. He goes around like a parasite to other people during breaks now, usually standing next to their table and jabbering away but sometimes sitting. Many people simply ignore him, but I've seen people stand up angrily and leave in disgust, only to go to a nearby table and sit down again. But he doesn't take the hint.

He seems to harass Damian a disproportionate amount of the time. Damian needs to tell him to fuck off but he loaned his copy of Bioshock to Aspie a couple of weeks ago and has been nervous about getting it back. If aspie gets fired he'll never see it again. Something similar happened to Calypso and some movies he had on DVD. I don't loan out my possessions lightly because of this sort of thing. I only let Lavos borrow my Discworld books because I know where he lives. Even so, he spilled coffee on my British hardcover edition of Making Money. Grr. I need to order a new one and send him the bill. I don't let anyone borrow my autographed books.

Anyway, we keep discussing Aspie as if he's going to do a Virgina Tech one of these days. I... don't think he's that crazy, but sheesh. He is fucking horrible. The only excuse someone has to behave that was is if they are special-ed, and he isn't. So there is no excuse, unless he really is an Aspie. Maybe that is why he hasn't been fired.

In one especially creepy move today, he came up behind Damian while we were sitting at a table at break. Aspie wouldn't make eye contact with me, instead he stared at Damian for what seemed like a long while, before turning and leaving.


Roommates... So, Christine is gone now and hasn't attempted to burn the house down or steal from us. That is good. She could still cause us a lot of trouble if she wanted to, in numerous ways. Hopefully she won't. Evan and Amber have moved a lot of their kitchen stuff downstairs along with some of their fridge stuff. They did leave a massive pile of dishes an they broke the garbage disposal and now it drains super slow. They took the upstairs microwave and didn't clean up the vile lake of brown goo that had apparently been fermenting under it.

I asked if they could bring my microwave up from the basement. I can't get it from where they put it on top of the fridge. Lavos heard this and told me that would be a bad idea. Wha...? He said it was filthy and broken. WHAT? It was in excellent condition when I let them borrow it a year ago! Lavos says it is all calypso's fault, that he used it and didn't clean the now horrific gunk out (crap is exploded all over) and that it "makes strange noise" when it is run. The fuck? Did someone run metal in it?

If this is all true, someone owes me a new microwave. I am going to be very pissed if I don't get one soon, as carrying crap down to the basement to nuke isn't cool at all.

Most of the time, I get along great with my roommates. Times like these, though, makes me wonder if I'd be happier living alone.

(No, I'd go crazy.)


Random thought: What is with that creepy lady in the Palm Pre ads on TV? The albino. She makes me never want to own a Palm Pre out of fear of becoming a soul devouring albino that doesn't wear clothes and uses a metric ton of gunky hair gel per day.

roommates, work

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