
Jan 05, 2009 20:50

Would you Adam and Eve it! Every night I doze like a baby for the two weeks I'm on holiday, then the night before I go back to work I can't get a wink of sleep.

I was mostly lying in bed thinking about a new game idea. Since reading the Max Arthur book I've been pondering a design for a board game on the subject of the Dambusters, and for the past day or so I've been sketching something out.

I'm aiming for something small and simple: sub-8 pages of rules, an A4 map, a handful of counters and plays in under an hour. I think I may have cracked it and I've laid down some of the armature of the design.

What will it play like? I've no idea until I start pushing cardboard about. But this meets my criteria for small, fun and fast with game mechanics that boil the subject matter down to its essence. It is quite liberating to design like this.

Between Nightfighter, this and my next game, I seem to be producing a Bomber Command 'trilogy'. Funny how these things works out.

games design

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