It's been a long time since I've written about pirates, which is odd given the recent news. However, now that they have made the front page it's worth scanning
this news report.
In case you can't read it, the salient points are:
(1) The US is trying to garner UN authorisation for strikes on Somali pirate bases, so as 'to give them more options'.
(2) Commander US 5th Fleet gently suggests that such strikes, aimed at the fishing port bases of the pirates, would cause an horrific bloodbath.
(3) The best solution would be to agree sea laws that permit better law enforcement. However, African and East Asian nations have expressed 'sovereignty concerns' about Western efforts to change international law.
(4) Commander US 5th Fleet notes that a blockade of the Somali coast would be an act of war, and in any case the coastline is so vast that a force of 62 naval ships would be required, a massive increase over the current 12-14 vessels on patrol.