How to make a percypopervy
5 parts success
5 parts courage
5 parts empathy
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Top it off with a sprinkle of sadness and enjoy!
Personality cocktailFrom actually quite fitting.
How to make a Percypopervy
3 parts mercy
3 parts brilliance
5 parts joy
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of fitness
Personality cocktailFrom wow, pretty opposite of the first.
How to make a PERCYPOPERVY
3 parts success
5 parts humour
5 parts empathy
Layer ingredientes in a shot glass. Serve with a slice of fitness and a pinch of salt. Yum!
Personality cocktailFrom actually most fittin...cept for mayb the fitness.
percypopervy HighwayLake Love3Confusion Lane14Bankruptcity62TravelWorld137Childbirth Hospital364Please Drive Carefully
Where are you on the highway of life? From weird and dun look so good.
PERCYPOPERVY HighwayBewilderment Avenue5Dumpsville12Hobotown33Family Farm115Wealthville356Please Drive Carefully
Where are you on the highway of life? From wow, that one sux.
ahahahahaha. and only 85%?
the incredibles is like one of the best movies ever. saw it last sat with the fam. so funny! we'r definitely gettin that one when it comes out on video. anyways...wut else have i been up to? mmm...not much actually. didn't have any homework last weekend so i spent sat goofin off then all sun on my application. then i still hadta spend mosta mon finishin it up. sheesh. i'd better get in damnit. which reminds much as i'm afraid, damn i can't wait to go away to college. my family's been drivin me even more nuts than usual lately. and i hate high school. orderin the cap and gown and all that other dumb shit my mom wanted made it seem so close. yet so far away. i want to get away from mr andersen. i want to get away from all the dumb shit that is high school. i want to take at least some classes that interest me. i kinda want a chance to start over, let myself become who i am more because people won't already have conceptions of me (well, cept phil, but that's different). i want to be able to buy a white coat. i want to get out from under my parents' thumbs. i want to make more decisions, become more confident in my decision-making. i want to stop havin these terrible arguments with my mother like i did today. damn, can i just hurry up and grow up already? ha....i dun have a tall order at all! no overblown expectations here.
anyways...i guess it's kinda good not havin school today and tomorrow. but it makes me such a bumb. went shoppin with sarah, justin and jennifer last night. pretty fun. kept wantin to buy stuff and then yell at myself that i needta wait for christmas so i can make my grandma pay for it. haha. gotta love grandma. actually i do, even without everythin she pays for me for. cept dangit she's makin me be gone like all christmas break. ::pout:: i want it to be thanksgivin now. today i woke up multiple times from multiple different phone calls. arg. finally actually got up and putted round, talked to phil's momma, went to the hospital to pick up my momma from her cataract surgery. got in a fight with her. she'll never understand. got so frustrated i went and laid on my bed and ended up passin out for bout an hour. i tend to do that when i get upset for sum reason. watched tv and was pathetic. went to dinner and hardly ate anythin cuz i ate lunch too late. sat round in front of the tv some more. got on here. much for tryin to work on my ee today. o well, still got 3 days of weekend. anyways...not really anythin else important. gonna go help mom put pictures in albums.