Dec 17, 2004 12:21
Doubtless, you will probably recall the report I had mentioned some time ago regarding old-growth hemlock wand trees in Western Canada. Though we have not, in fact, made much progress lately on this particular issue (this I blame entirely on Dobbs' ineptitude), further research into the matter has led me to become quite intrigued by factors such as the different varieties, ages, and qualities of woods and their effects on both the wand user and the standard of magic produced. I am finding the subject to be quite compelling, though I imagine my investigations at this point are only scraping the surface of the topic involved. Delving further could probably reveal rather advantageous information, though assumably someone else is likely far more of an expert on such things than I am. Regardless, I am still finding it fascinating.
It seems to me that an older tree (ancient or old-growth ones oft produce spectacular results) and a greater concentration of magical energy in the area where it has grown translates directly into a more focused and intuitive wand; indeed, much more so than the cheaper varieties made from young trees grown commercially. Many of these such wands are dodgy foreign imports of vastly inferior quality and really should be regulated lest one backfire and cause serious damage to someone or some thing. Wands made from aged woods also seem to have a decreased tendency to snap or misfire, a factor which I imagine could be imperative when one is dealing with hazardous situations, especially during questionable times such as these. Indeed, some people may sneer at the idea now, but in a life-or-death situation, a 4 or 5 % increase in accuracy could stand to make all the difference in the world.
In other news: lo and behold, I have finally managed to acquire a new set of spectacles. Since, oddly enough, my old horn-rims seem to have been missing in action for the most irritating length of time, I decided that the best thing to do would be to simply replace them. Naturally, you get so used to corrective lenses that you come to take them for granted after an indefinate amount of time, at least until you suddenly find you must do without. Though I am told I look quite dashing without eyeglasses, I grew rather weary of walking into things and getting headaches and thus am bespectacled once again. Honestly, you'd think with charms to transfigure footstools into badgers and levitate tea cozies, they would have discovered a spell to fix my dreadful eyesight. But alas, no such luck.
My Christmas shopping is happily nearing completion; just a few more gifts to go and I should be all set. I do not mean to be presumptuous, but I do believe most of you will be pleasantly surprised. My lips are sealed, however, and I will be keeping all holiday presents classified until Christmas itself. No amount of tricks or bribery will be able to weasel it out of me this year.
I do hope you're all well and in good spirits, and I am looking forward to seeing you all over the holidays!