Percy's MBTI type

Aug 28, 2017 22:46

This site is dedicated to typing the MBTIs of fictional characters. Percy has been typed here yay!

Now, he may not look like the typical picture of extrovert like Fred and George, but what's important is looking at the cognitive functions, and in which order he uses them. The above profile describes him as leading with the Extroverted Thinking (Te) function--he often plays the role of "boss", and is ambitious and achievement-oriented. His second function is Introverted Sensing (Si)--he values rules, believes they are there for a good reason, and is detail-oriented. ESTJs use these functions in this order--Extroverted Thinking, Introverted Sensing, Extroverted Intuition, and lastly, Introverted Feeling.

Like the typer, I too had considered ISTJ for Percy. Both xSTJs have upper Te and Si, and Percy looks introverted. Neither of his lower functions, Extroverted Intuition (Ne) or Introverted Feeling (Fi) look particularly strong. But Te is a judging function, while Si is a perceiving function. Percy definitely looks like a judging dominant, so ESTJ looks like his type!


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