lj: updated!

Feb 20, 2007 15:37

ok, time for an update.

the end of last week i was plagued by a cold. this weekend i tried to rally, but was still under the weather. i think i'm finally on my last day of this stupid thing, as i'm still congested, but feeling better. i want to get to bed early again tonight, and hopefully that will be that, and i can ride my bike to work tomorrow.

saturday's craft-tea was a success! lots of wonderful friends showed up, and i got to make yummy foods and do crochet, and try to teach someone how to knit. of course, at the end of the day i was exhausted, but that's what happens when i am busy working all day on hosting, and i get dehydrated.

sunday i went to see pan's labyrinth with j and thesuperalice. it was intense, and amazing, and brutal, and wonderful, and terrifying, and did i mention intense? it left me in tears, and slightly traumatized for the rest of the day. took me a while to feel like myself again afterwards. it's certainly not for everyone, but i am very glad i saw it.

monday was a day spent running errands with the cuteboy. there was shopping for pet food, and a lowe's trip. and i even got a nap in the afternoon. days off are good.

today has been easy but busy work, and i've got another headache. i think it's the damn air pressure and weather playing havoc with my stuffed sinuses. bah. i just want my cold to be over.

sick, activities, movies, work, update, friends, weekend, cuteboy

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