
May 19, 2006 12:27

last night i woke up from a nightmare, and it was awful. wasn't about my ex this time, tho, it was about one of my close friends being hurt, and me being powerless to do anything about it.

i wonder what that could be about, huh?

it'd be nice if soon i could get a good night's sleep. i've got my fingers crossed for tonight.

last night me and ky and cuteboy and his roomie daniel all walked to heroe's for lots of food. and it was quite tasty, but a few hours later my stomach was competely unhappy with me. and it made its displeasure known. blech.

so yeah, i went to bed with a tummy ache. i hate that. i need to learn not to eat that much when it's hot, since my body hates it.

the walk was nice tho. i need to do those more often.

this weekend i am seeing a friend on saturday, and may catch another friend's band playing this weekend. we'll see.

da vinci code comes out today. i hear it's not that great. yet at the same time, i kinda want to see it anyways, just to support something that pisses off religious nut-jobs. (by nut-jobs i am referring to people whose religious beliefs are threatened by a work of fiction) i didn't see narnia because of the same nut-jobs who were saying harry potter is satanic and you should take your children to see a good christian fantasy movie like narnia.

yup, harry potter is satanic. and the da vinci code is a moral threat to america.

i hate that kind of shit.

friends, update, activities, movies, cuteboy, weekend, food

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