hey, look, it's another random update post

Nov 17, 2005 11:30

so yeah, i know i've been posting a lot today. but if you read through the majority of my posts lately, they've been unsubstantive. not that i promise this one to be full of interesting substance, but it will be long and random, just like i like!!!

let's start at the more recent timeline, and work our way backwards. or at least, let's try...

this morning i ate cheese bread and coffee with eggnog in it for breakfast. and i had a pumpkin cookie. i've also not really done a lot today, but did get some stuff done for v that was important, so that's good.

last night i went to the grocery store after the dojo, and bought ingredients for pumpkin cookies, and also got eggnog. after that ky and i dropped of her kayak at our new place, and then back home for pizza with peeps! mike came over and ate with us, and i baked cookies, and then j came by, and then v came by too for cookies, and it was good times all around. much laughing and joking and just being happy. it was excellent.

the dojo was ok, i taught some lessons and am working on new forms with most of my students. i couldn't help but feel really tired, and felt like maybe i wasn't there for my students as i know i should be. it was the same way tues night as well. my heart is just not in it right now. *sigh*

anyways, work yesterday was pretty good. actually work this week has been pretty good. i fixed the internet speed problem. it was the same problem as before, i just didn't realize it until monday when i did some troubleshooting on my own. i sent out an email with an appropriate amount of smackage in it. don't fuck with my bandwith, man! it's just not right.

i had a strange dream tues night/wed morning that involved godzilla, and genetics. it's kinda involved, so i won't go into it here. since i know that listening to (reading) other people's dreams is about as boring as some crazy boring thing.

so that's a recap of life recently. here's a forecast of life to come:

obviously hp tonight. which means that i will walk home from work, get changed into my hogwart's t-shirt, pack up my snacks and crochet and/or a book, and proceed to the theater to wait in line. and then eventually my friends will join me, and we shall see the movie! woo!

fri i plan to sleep in, since damn, that's late. fri afternoon work, then i have no plans for this weekend. which i think sounds lovely. i may even spend some time in bed, finally kicking this stupid cold's ass. i may spend some time packing, or doing laundry. but it will be good. since i need the unscheduled time badly. i feel like there's been so much going on in my life and in my headspace that i need a little vacation from it all.

ok, i'm going to eat some more pizza now. have a great thursday everyone!

update, issues, random, activities, work, hpgof, dojo

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