
Oct 13, 2005 08:48

i baked cookies last night. they are delicious. they are pumpkin chocolate chip, and one of my favorite cookie recipes in the whole world. i am pleased.

i also had 4 of them for breakfast today, and i need to not eat any more. they are so temptingly yummy!

so, yeah, i was kinda domestic yesterday. altho my dishes are still not done. boo to that, i say. i think i will have some time tonight to do some more. yay. oh, sorry, what i meant was *not* yay.

went to the dojo, taught a couple of lessons, had a really mellow lesson of my own, then did a good workout in class. some bag kicking, some sparring, that kinda thing. not the hardest workout i've ever done, but i did get a good sweat on, so that was good.

talked to my brother yesterday, then to my parents. i am filled with worry, and more than a little guilt. even tho i know that i shouldn't feel guilty. well, it is what it is. i am going to try to check in with my brother and his wife every week or so for a while. i really don't know what else i can do. well, i do, but it's nothing, and that's hard to accept. i just wish i could help more. i wish i knew how.

i've had a lot of things on my mind recently. some good, some bad. i think that i need to sit down and do some writing, just to get stuff out. there are a lot of things occupying my headspace a the moment, which makes me feel cluttered and unfocused. if i write stuff down then i can set it aside for a bit, and get rid of some of the mental mess. it's stuff about my family, my friends, my love, my jobs, my hobbies, my health, really just my whole life. i'm feeling, not overwhelmed, that's the wrong word. but i'm feeling like i can't see the path in the trees because i'm busy looking at the whole forest. i'm feeling a bit lost.

i don't like feeling lost.

issues, cookies, family

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