happy friday

Jun 17, 2005 11:50

so i'm feeling better today, altho very sleepy.

yesterday i got lots of love from lots of friends. and that was good, because i really needed it yesterday. i really felt the love last night, i got several phone calls, and much needed hugs from peoples.

thank you, all of you, who sent me comments/emails/phone calls/ims/real life hugs. you guys are the best, and it's because of friends like you that i can survive. *hug*

last night i got to bed late because i saw batman begins on imax. so hot! that movie rocked my small self centered universe! it was so amazing, and i need to see it again. (kylie, if you haven't seen it before i get back from camp, wanna go sunday?) it was a fantastic movie, it didn't disappoint me in any way. i <3 batman. and this batman was so yummy. j said i could have him for christmas. ;->

i did get to the theatre a little late, which meant that i walked in on a preview for charlie and the chocolate factory, and stood there at the bottom of the stairs, jaw open in amazement, a trickle of drool running down my chin (ok, i may be lying about the drool). so i only got to see half of the preview (if even that) but i can't WAIT to see that movie. *sigh*

today i skipped the black belt workout down in oc because i have so much to do today at work, and not enough time to do it. also bc there is a lot of stress right now, and i wanted to help out with that as much as i could.

and tonight i do my final pack for camp, and then i'm off tomorrow morning, bright and early, and i'm gone a week! i know you will all miss me. ;-> i'll try to take good notes so that i can give you a bulleted highlights version when i get back.

until then, be safe, stay well, and have lots of fun! be excellent to each other! ;->

update, camp, movies

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