horoscopes can suck it this week

Jun 15, 2005 12:16

good cod my horoscopes hate me this week.

for today:
Here is a day that will be rather constraining, HOLLY. Despite your great inner aspirations, today will be marked by the necessity for realism in order to take care of the small problems that arise in everyday life. In other words, just what you love... That said, a little bit of being more down to Earth - or being in contact with the realities of the real world can never do anything but good to those born under the sign of Sagittarius...

*meaning i get to deal with stupid little things all day. hooray. also get your head out of the damn clouds.

for yesterday:
You are dispersing your energies, HOLLY, and you know it! You go out to dinner in town, attend parties and shows, but you are never really present. You listen to people but what they are saying doesn't interest you in any fundamental way. Yes, you are bored, and you're afraid to admit it to yourself. The depth of your inner search requires that you use a lot of energy reexamining your life.

*meaning i'm an egocentric bitch, who is bored with anything but myself, and i should quit being such a self-centered person.

for monday:
It isn't because your new projects demand such precision that they are causing you problems, HOLLY. You still have a tendency to think that details impede you from having a global vision but this is simply not the case. There really is no conflict between the long-term view and the short-term needs. You just think that the latter gets in the way of the former. Try thinking of the details that you find so annoying as stepping stones to your larger vision.

*meaning i'm too lazy to deal with the details of projects so things don't get done the way they should, and it's my fault that i'm failing.

*sigh* why did i even get out of bed today?

at least my weekly horoscope is saying "Mercury trines Uranus on Thursday, which may possibly bring a small windfall your way, and also a touch of inspiration - just when you need it most"

omc do i need something positive i will tell you that.

but in less than 4 hours i leave to pick up cute boy from the airport. and get a much needed hug.


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