Westhaven - Week 1

Mar 12, 2011 15:54

The Barksdale Family -

Flock (mine), Ernest tehlobster, Indigo daisywenham, his son Jellyfish lastj & the family dog Douglas boolpropbea.

Appearances by:

Teaser Pic: Josie leenyland, Grayson aijux
Others: Sherlock sixamsims, Flemeth will_o_whisper, Roxana erykahfairy, Keiran tinykat, Calais fantasyrogue, Wylie goldencell, Porridge sea_serpent, Cheshire nentarisims, Haggis laridian, & Lei bbyclawz
Pets: Callisto pnkpnthr334

This is going to be a minimal dialog/mostly pic spam post. I've been so caught up in playing and I seriously have been not feeling chatty lately.

4.6 I Forgot My Keys! Your sims are locked out of their own house for a week while the entire city's locksmiths are on strike. You're allowed to purchase two tents maximum in addition to anything else you may have outside the house already, but nothing else. You're allowed to keep your infants/toddlers 'in the shed' with one fridge to avoid having them taken by the social worker - no other sim may eat from the fridge, however.

Ah the classic eat-marshmallows-because-you-can't-get-inside-scenario...

Indigo daisywenham is not coping well with the situation.

Sherlock sixamsims seems to be really into him, but unfortunately Flemeth will_o_whisper is literally inside him.

That. That just looks so painful Indigo. He can see the mighty plumbbob in the sky.

But in the end Sherlock is overwhelmed by Indigo's willingness to kill himself to get his attention and they get married.

Not to be outdone later Ernest tehlobster rushes kiss first into a relationship with Roxana erykahfairy.

And despite his best efforts Kieren tinykat did not go home with them.

Jellyfish lastj is understandably confused. He comes home from school and both his father and his uncle have gotten married? Despite the fact that they live in tents in the front lawn.

So when he rolled the desire for some electronics who was I to deny him?

Luckily Jellyfish is the intelligent one in his family. A good sign in an heir.

Douglas the dog boolpropbea and Flock tend to just hang out with each other.

When Douglas isn't trying to convince the mailman to adopt him.

Don't worry. I'm pretty sure he'll be fine!

I mean as fine as giving birth simultaneously as his husband and sister-in-law can be.

Watson - a girl. Named for Sherlock's literature sidekick.

Ajna - another girl. Named for the sixth chakra.

And despite being exhausted we're still not done.

Roxana gives birth to Cassander - a boy. Named for the man who killed the Roxana from history.

And Oxyartes - another boy. Named for Roxana's historical father.

Since Jellyfish rolled the desire to get into private school I complied.

In hindsight...well Jellyfish didn't get in. What with no dinner, only the nursery to show off and you know the piles of baby trash everywhere. Sorry Jellyfish.

Life continued on the front lawn.

They got a doggie companion for Douglas named Callisto pnkpnthr334

And the guys went off on a date.

And then wanted me to know that other people's failed attempts at romance are an incredible turn on for them. Thanks boys. Stay classy.

In order guy in t-shirt Calais fantasyrogue, playing piano Josie leenyland, drinking Porridge sea_serpent, rejecting the kiss Wylie goldencell, rejected Cheshire nentarisims, and alien Haggis laridian.

Not to be outdone...and hi again Wylie goldencell you woohoo blocker.

And Indigo, who the nature lot owner hated.

It's mutual.

My sims are so...classy.

Oh hey guess what the nanny managed to open the front door. (After the fifth time she ignored the nursery fridge to go walk around inside and then left a baby in there I said screw it and let them back in).

Also the dogs are getting along wonderfully...

And Jellyfish just won greatest heir ever by autonomously picking up each one of his cousins/siblings and changing their diapers. I thought my game was going to have an apocalypse after this.

So I had Flock wow the headmaster and get Jellyfish into private school since he still had the desire.

Babies learning skills.

Since Jellyfish is so awesome I let him go out and try and find a boy/girlfriend to take with him to college since the prosperity rules say they need to be best friends to come along.

He had the best chemistry with Lei bbyclawz 2 bolts.

I am so sorry Jellyfish. I, well, at least she wasn't your best friend so she's not going to college with you right? Yeah so Jellyfish goes to college alone, but will meet up with the other household heirs.

Oh yeah, the dogs managed to stop beating each other up enough to have puppies.

A lot of this had to do with Flock being BFF's with the dogs. Aw puppy cuteness.

The week ends with the kidlets growing up. I actually really like all four of them a lot, but I don't let myself get too excited since they aren't heirs to this household and I'm not sure how many of them are going to breed since I don't want a huge population boom too early. But still I kind of love them.

sims 2, westhaven

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