Westhaven - The Introduction

Feb 19, 2011 01:05

Westhaven - A pixel_trade Themed Prosperity

22 Sims and 6 Pets PT'ers spread across six families. Four elders by me as it's a waste to use pixel_trade peeps for elderly fodder since each PT used is a precious resource.

Sim Founders By: tehlobster, daisywenham, lastj, dragancaor, dorkasaur_sims, quellasims, javabean_dreams, upendoaushi, jenji_sims, simtasia, shelbster93, keoni_chan, lil_pixiedevil, smart_spell, simsarenotfood, mikelisryker, chitown_gal and bondchick_Nett.

Pet Founders by: boolpropbea, hidden_kitten, maranatah, alfredaskew, strange_tomato & fantasyrogue.


Elder - Flock
Adult - Ernest tehlobster
Adult - Indigo daisywenham
Teen - Jellyfish lastj
Dog - Douglas boolpropbea

Ernest rushes home after years away living in a larger city upon hearing of his father having had a bad accident. This also leads Flock's other wayward son Indigo back to the nest from his trips abroad. Indigo brings his young teenage son Jellyfish to meet his family only to discover his father's condition worse than expected as the family finds itself unexpectedly locked out of their home.


Elder - Sabrina
Adult - Aramil dragancaor
Teen - Nemo dorkasaur_sims
Dog - McGee hidden_kitten

Matriarch Sabrina Delgado has always loved and campaigned for alien rights in the city of Westhaven, finding the cities unfair treatment of the extraterrestrials appalling and sub-lifeform. Her son Aramil mostly agrees with her stance, but has some bad personal associations with aliens. His teenage son Nemo was the result of an otherworldly experience when he was only sixteen. Now Nemo must deal with the social standing of having been a "banger baby" or 'roadkill'. How will father and son react upon hearing that Sabrina has opened their home to a group of aliens who are missing the most basic city rights? Especially when he discovers one of his permanent house guests was also his first love.

Aliens Left to Right:

Violet dreamaboutgold, Sorcha sounseelie, Romeo madame_ugly, Haggis laridian, Tamara katu_sims & their pooch Lime gheez.


Elder - Vanessa
Adult - Potion quellasims
Teen - Kingston javabean_dreams
Cat - Milky Way maranatah

Vanessa is crazy about cats and dreams about breeding the most original cats in town. Her daughter Potion has equally large, yet more materialistic dreams, as she searches for her Mr.-or-Ms.-Right and tries to turn their modest home into the talk of the town. Meanwhile her teenage son Kingston is only interested in school, college and maybe finding a nice girlfriend to settle down with.


Elder - Apple
Adult - Ness upendoaushi
Teen - Wayne jenji_sims
Toddler - Dolly shelbster93
Toddler - Imma simtasia
Cat - Pilot alfredaskew

Ness McKnight has been widowed since his twin daughters birth. His mother Apple is trying to convince him that the time has come to move on with his life and fix his broken home. Meanwhile his son Wayne drifts through life unsure of what direction he wishes to take and Apple comes up with a scheme to turn the twins simply irresistible in an attempt to find her son a new wife.


Adult - Niamh keoni_chan
Teen - Sam lil_pixiedevil
Cat - Starry Bob strange_tomato

Niamh had her son Sam when she was barely a teenager and has struggled to raise him alone after she was kicked out of her house. Now she's finding her hormones acting up at all the strangest times and for all the worst people. Maybe it's time for her to try again. Meanwhile Sam worries for his mother and can only hope that she doesn't get herself into worse trouble while she enters this new phase in her life.


Adult - Yersinia smart_spell
Teen - Brent simsarenotfood
Teen - Casey mikelisryker <---Was Portrait for GOS challenge.
Child - Feb chitown_gal
Toddler - Faustie bondchick_nett
Cat - Ghost fantasyrogue

Yersinia has relocated his family to the quiet suburbs of Westhaven to start over. People have learned quickly not to ask him what happened to his eye or pay too much attention to his antics. His sons Brent and Casey try to keep their heads down at school and not raise too many questions at their father's questionable actions. Will they be able to shield their younger brother and sister from the drawbacks of their father's latest get-rich-quick scheme? Or will the law finally come crashing down on Yersinia Sparks head?

This is a 'played-mostly-by-the-rules' prosperity (here) with a couple of house rules and filtered through the additional rules of the pixel_trade community. So it follows almost all the rules of a regular prosperity though I do have my own twists.

House Rules:

1. I give every CAS family/townie one shot at the random skills ability in the sim blender since I think it's ridiculous that anyone teen or older wouldn't have picked up some life skills. All toddlers and born-in-games have to work for those skills.

2. All my CAS family/townie adults/elders have been tweaked by the Batbox into being college grads, because seriously, being second class sim citizens sucks.

3. I use another hack from simbology so that adopted kids count towards a family sims LTW. It makes no sense why on earth an adopted child wouldn't be just as valued as one that spawned from my sims woohoo.

4. I use another hack from simbology so that my same sex sims are legally married. Not joined. Not unioned. Married.

5. Another hack so that my elders aren't discriminated against in the work place just because they hit the magic 54. I retire all my elders by 65 or earlier if they roll the want.

6. I tweaked sim aging. So pregnancies last 25 hours, baby 1 day, toddler 3, child 7, teen 7, college 4 (I make it two 24hr long semesters, but count it as one day for each year) and adult is left alone. I didn't tweak pet aging. Call me a hypocrite but I can't stand seeing my pets die so the longer they're alive the happier I am. I know, weird.

7. I have male and female alien pregnancy hack and preg-for-all. The aliens because if a man can have his insides rearranged for a butt baby, why not a woman since aliens seem to like to build their own wombs. As for the preg-for-all...I handwave male pregnancies as having a 'surrogate' and lesbian pregnancies to the powers of modern medicine.

pixel_trade Supplemental Rules:

A. CAS founders must marry unique PTrade townie sims that are not from other families.

B. "Sub Heirs". One born-in-game from each main family, per PT pairing must marry a unique PT. Other subsequent children can intermarry between households, but one child from each household must marry a new PT sim (from a different creator to their own parents) to keep the genetics moving forward.

Example: Moe and Larry have two babies. Moe then has an affair with Shemp and has a baby. Larry and Curly have an affair on the side and produce a spawn. One of Moe/Larry babies, Moe/Shemp and Larry/Curly kids must marry other stooges PT Sims outside of the families. Moe/Larry's other baby can intermarry with an extra child from another household that they aren't related to.

C. And until I hear otherwise I'm going to go with 2 pets per creator per type of pet. So 2 cats, 2 small dogs and 2 large dogs per PTer if I can't find enough pets to carry each main family through. With an ongoing spreadsheet so I don't accidentally interbreed after a couple of generations.

D. I am using the Mini-Challenges Sims 2 Rules: Here. One roll per household, per week, skipping college. With certain tweaks to match the flavor of my game, but otherwise these are supplemental challenges for each main house to spice up game play. Though I am not afraid to bend the rules/or intentionally lose the weekly challenge to keep the primary prosperity challenge alive. So if a mini-challenge is putting me in danger of losing the kids to the social worker or asking me to breed with non-PTers I'm going to tweak that.

This part is for me so that when I ask myself, "Self. Did you already use sims by X creator?" I can take a quick look here and go. "Yes, yes I did me." And you know, so I can stop stopping myself from grabbing Y creator because I keep thinking I already took one of their sims. *sheepish grin*

Sim Townies By:

madame_ugly, sounseelie, katu_sims, dreamaboutgold, laridian, erykahfairy, sixamsims, goldencell, juri_anne, pnkpnthr334, lintelsoups, cosmetical, syrenslure, eleme, charterzard, nekotaz, courtney_shea, pinkposeysims, xie_belle, inkstaind_stars, eien_herrison, iceraptoress, freudroid, pebblefish, oannapantso, nentarisims, trappingit, pixelcurious, smustleparty, skittlebox, tinykat, olivethegreat, fivesims, rocking_kitty, debearrr_x, snapun, simsforaranya, frankscrank, bbyclawz, alfredaskew, kezwick, gotnerd, jens_sims, kizzy_sims, cindrasims, foreverred, maranatah, kejserligt, fantasyrogue, chloriinated, boolpropbea, prettypalisades, sjoisan, loligirlblack, radiationpoison, simtarts, elecy, lizbeth120, iolesims, dazzlingdespair, elocinyelhsa, todachios, paperposies, xbeccyx, voleste, mjspice, kuunce, maytesims, potential_fate, runningbee, xohxmyxjonas, needlecream, rhiannon_alexis, amaryssobellus, will_o_whisper, dark_moon689, jesstheex, rosalen_knight, laurenpuppetpal, aijux, slyndsey, leenyland, stakeit_uk, tehhilz, simmericangirl, simtopi, cuddlesgirl, quinctia, telectroscope, tiipiipii, engram_au, pinkberet, limeyyyz, simpurity, simppl_life, simgaroop, raemia, pennysims, gheez, sea_serpent, beachwee, linear_flower, the_caaah, steezie_k, hidden_kitten, kathsy, anuvi, enjoyingmypain, moonerz, brilliantcat, spyroeldragon, music_simbol, xel_squirgle_ox, dothesmustle, rustyrosesims, swampyclouds, e0625, chitina_sims, simnels, sneebsey, failhappens, racetrackd, thiziz, kizzy_sims

Sim Pets By:

boolpropbea, gheez, hidden_kitten, maranatah, alfredaskew, strange_tomato, fantasyrogue, Sadieg79, bondchick_nett, pnkpnthr334, madame_ugly, brilliantcat, wanderingjasper, skittlebox, teffielynne, needlecream, mjo5oh, scarred_id, pennysims

prosperity challenge, sims 2, westhaven

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