Westhaven - Round 4 (M-Su) Night/Centowski

May 15, 2010 00:16

Previously the girls were as different as night and day with Leila barely squeaking a graduating mark out of high school. They then entered college where Mara went steady with her high school sweetheart Orlando Centowski resulting in their engagement during graduation while Leila waffled between Ricky and Mason and briefly dated Opal before returning home with her sister and future brother-in-law.

This time...

Very first thing these two did was run into their brand new bedroom and try out the bed.

I'm pleased that Orlando has the sense to use a robe, though I guess Mara doesn't care since it's just her twin.

Heya Mason!

And Leila is breaking in her new bed. Obviously Mason doesn't stick around since he spent his week at his place, but yes, the magic it is still there.

Orlando picked up the mechanic bug in college so he's tinkering with the beat up car Leila promised her sister years ago.

Leila is conflicted on whom she loves more Ricky or Mason and so she invited Ricky over.

Mara being frank about her opinions of relationship wrecking with her sister.

Well. Well. Well. Now which of our two candidates is the daddy?

Not surprising both Mara and Orlando being Family sims with the LTW of Golden Anniversary and three bolters. They're constantly in bed.

However Orlando knows it's time to do the right thing.

Just in time too, she popped less than an hour later.

Leila briefly flirted with a life in crime while waiting for her LTW job in Oceanography to open. What? Having ties to crime bosses is instrumental when battling the octopus mafia!

I think this is Mara celebrating going to work in the Natural Science field while pregnant.

Careful Orlando, that is a Master Cat Burglar Pirate Diva you're facing across that chess table!

It was a mighty powerful pop she had.

Pregnancy gets the best of Mara.

Leila having finally gotten her LTW job wastes no time in going to work, pregnant belly or no pregnant belly.

Mega pregnant.

Okay. So this is the second birth attempt. Originally Mara had natural twin girls and Leila then had natural twin boys the next day. I forgot to save after Mara's birth (which I regret) and well...Leila's second twin. It had no face. Total glitch baby that was faceless. So I left without saving and had to redo the entire birth for both of them. :(

So instead...introducing Lance (boy) Centowski. Named for Lancelot, but shortened (obviously).

And Roland (boy) Centowski. Named after Song of Roland.

Benjamin Pratt is now simultaneously in about four families. I think he's starting to go crazy.

Orlando getting a promotion to Master Architect.

And Mara now a scatmaster in Natural Science...

He loves his sons.

I always forget about those chairs so I over used them with the babies this round. The waves and waves of babies.

Leila time! *crosses fingers*

Little Godfrey (named after Godfrey of Bouillon leader of the first crusade).

And Flamenca (named for the Romance of Flamenca a 13th century romance). Fraternal twins. It'll be obvious later, but the father is Ricky. Whom Leila doesn't contact again and is completely unaware of his paternity (barring his family tree - he personally has never met his twins).

Roland and Lance are unhappy with the competition.

Godfrey sweetie, that's a wall, that's not mommy.

Happy baby Flamenca.

More baby chair spam.

She autonomously chatted with him via phone and computer and asked for him to come over soooooooooooo often I finally caved. And then she dived lips first into Mason's face.

He likes it rough though. Dog.

Incidentally, I wanted Mason to be the twins baby daddy, but after seven unsuccessful attempts I thought Leila was infertile...and then baby chimes first time with Ricky. So yeah. Mason has a very low sperm count. 0.o TMI!

After his defeat at the hands of Holly super-diva Fauntleroy Orlando was determined to win at any cost. Thus, maxing his logic skill.

Mara promoted to soil identifier.

Leila being a great aunt and doing the honors for Lance's birthday as his mum is tuckered out.

Orlando doesn't approve.

And then ignores the party.

It's totally the dude nod. See Orlando and his wife Mara are three bolters, but he's also got two bolts with his sister-in-law Leila. And lemme tell you, I spent the entire week canceling his numerous attempts to flirt with her. He's rather pissed at me, but he and the butler appreciate Leila's lingerie. (Leila has never blown hearts at him or wanted to flirt incidentally).

Toddler!Lance Lance Stats: Virgo 10/3/10/3/3 So a neat, shy, active, serious, grouch. Great.

Orlando snatched Roland right up for his turn.

Roland Stats: Aries 10/10/7/5/3 Neat, outgoing, active, middling playful, grouch. 0.o What's up with all my grouchy gen 2's?

The next day...

I can't tell them apart despite the fact they're fraternal. Also they take incredibly heavily from Ricky. This are so clearly his children I have a hard time believing they're Leila's. 0.o

Stats! Godfrey Libra 2/8/3/7/7 - Flamenca Libra 2/9/2/7/5

Visually identical, but luckily? not stats wise. They are so going to clash with the Centowski brothers being the sloppy-nice opposites of them.

Indiscriminate sex and then she's shocked when she pops...though it's Mason's so I guess I should cut her some slack since he's not the most prone to baby chimes.


Though I was able to pull Orlando away from chasing after Leila behind his wife's back long enough to get him to start training his kids.

Night twin powers activate! Form of unsafe spray painting! Shape of pregnant women!

I'm going to chain him to the 2nd floor nursery until they're all trained. Seriously, if I'd realized he was going to chase Leila behind Mara's back I wouldn't have let them move back into the family estate. :(

INTRODUCING THE STINGING BEEICLE! Finished a mere 10 1/2 years after she originally promised it.

Orlando and Mara discussing their upcoming child.

And we leave this week with Leila still shocked that Mason managed to get her pregnant.

I haven't played Round 5, but next time! Will Orlando and Mara stop at two pregnancies? Will Leila get together with Mason? And can Sim!God keep Orlando from breaking his wedding vows and ruining the twins already fragile sisterly bond? And will I manage to document it in all its tawdry glory?

prosperity challenge, sims 2

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