Apr 09, 2008 19:59
Is your character a Persona user?: No.
Is your character aware of the Dark hour?: No.
Do you want your character to be aware of the Dark Hour?: Mrr. Undecided, unfortunately, but most likely yes.
Do you want your character to be made aware of the Dark Hour by other characters?: If the above ends up as yes, then this is also yes.
Do you want your character to know about S.E.E.S./other Persona Users?: No.
Could people threadhop with you/in your posts?: Yes!
Could we hug your character?: Sure, why not?
How about kissing?: Mun agrees, character doesn't, so please go on ahead.
Badtouching? ;O : See above.
What about the beast with two backs? ;} : Let's talk first.
Can I fight your character?: Yes.
Can I punch/cause your character non-serious injuries?: Yes!
Can I stab/cut/cause your character serious injuries without them losing limbs?: Most likely, but let's talk first.
What if they do lose limbs/get maimed?: See above.
Can I torture your character; Mentally or Physically?: Yes-- I mean, the answer is probably yes, but let's talk first.
If you're going to drop, can I kill your character?: We'll talk about it.
What don't you want mentioned to your character?: Nothing in particular.
Anything else?: Nope.