Opportunity knocks once again!!!!

Dec 15, 2004 22:18

Yes that is right. Opportunity has opened it's hallway to me once again. So am I going to try to go for this time? Let's see it started back when the Kung u Grip was looking for a vocalist. Did I go for that? Hell no I stayed with a shitty band that took me nowhere other than the lunchroom at my school. My dudes in Dismissed were looking for a vocalist but my dude Josh was their former singer so that would have been weird. Then ok lets don't forget me thinking about going and trying out for Rivin. Did I do that either? NOPE!!!!!!!!!!Then my dudes in Downcyde were looking for a singer. I went, but didnt step up and decided that wasnt what I was looking for.

So that leaves me to what I have seen knocking this time. Great musicians looking to get something going again after a disaster. Execellent melodic/heavy music blended extremely well together. Also I was told they are wanting to go heavier, and dude to previous situations they were not able to accomplish this.


*going to open the door*
That's right I am going to see if I can try this out and see what happens. These guys seem like great people. They are in it for the music and not their social ego bullshit. I love that.

Music will and will always be my number one love!!!!
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