Cuz AIM has been weird for me and messing up cuz my email is so full and Plurk's more organized in a way.
Dazha, Robin, Katie, Nemo, Lucy, and other people are on it. :B
I MISS YOU TOO, MAN. ;; We need to have a Disney Marathon of all the movies I haven't seen. And we need to see the Winnie-the-Pooh movie when it comes out.
Are there a lot of people on there? I don't talk to like, anyone anymore. It's sad. I have a bunch of people on my lj but nobody talks. o.o
How do you use it over aim? :o
I miss you. ;;
Dazha, Robin, Katie, Nemo, Lucy, and other people are on it. :B
I MISS YOU TOO, MAN. ;; We need to have a Disney Marathon of all the movies I haven't seen. And we need to see the Winnie-the-Pooh movie when it comes out.
Awahhhh. ;~; Maybe I should. I have Shari, Dazha and Bun on lj but we like never talk.
Yesssss! I work so much lately though. OTL
We need to all go ice skating too!
You should use your Pluuuuuuurk~ Bun's on there too!
I'll figure out when I'm not working!
Maaaaybe >o
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