Jun 03, 2008 23:30
need to do my FASFA tommorrow. need to pay off LCC for last semester. need to get like 4 new pairs of pants and some socks. need to ask out the girl I like at work so I can stop going crazy. on that last note I'm not sure if I should. I can't get her out of my head most of the time but the logical part of me tells me it would be a bad idea because she smokes and is kind of a party girl who drinks alot. on the other hand she's really nice and I like the way she looks and I can make her laugh. (which is always a plus)
I think I haven't been on livejournal in a while because I haven't had anything to rant about in a while. just a whole lot of working at kroger. but whatever, it's not like you guys missed me anyways.