Nov 02, 2011 10:16
So, I'm back.
Feels weird, not being in school. Feels weirder, not posting to LJ all the time. I remember, once upon a time, when I wanted a permanent account..therefore, not having the yearly fee. So weird, how times have changed. Facebook has consumed addition to people going their separate ways. :-(
Am job hunting. Am working a contract job. Have several people tell me I need to be an entrepreneur..which is a great idea, if I felt I had the money to build such a venture up.
Times are rough..for so many people. Particularly money-wise. Stress is ratcheted up, and I'm working on a few ventures that I hope pan in particular would be neat and interesting. But, those are things I'm trying to put together, while bringing money, that much needed commodity, in. One of those is the podcast. I'm trying to figure which direction to take it in...with some neat interview ideas, if I can get a few politicians to speak on it. :-)
Anyways, just a quick update to show I'm still here, and still reading.