24 hours of silence.

Apr 15, 2011 00:52

Realizing that it's primarily for students, to symbolize the bullying that happens to LGBT students, I have decided to be silent for 24 hours.

I know, for many the thought of me being silent is not able to be thought of. I'm a loud, boisterous person a bit of the time..and always talking.

So, choosing to be silent for an entire 24 hour period is..different.

It's already been interesting as Crys and I try to understand each other (or, rather, as she tries to understand me), and, I'm straight..so, why?

Well, between having many friends who are Bi, Transgender, Lesbian, and all manner of sexualities and beliefs, and add in the fact that though I wasn't physically bullied in school, I dealt with a share of psychological, and you have me...who really doesn't understand why as much bullying goes on as it does. And a firm belief that I don't have to agree with anything that anyone does, but I also don't have the right to tell others how to live their lives. As much as I want to be respected, I have to be willing to respect others, or at least their decisions on how to live their lives.

So, it's been almost an hour, and I've been quiet. Interestingly enough, this hour has gone by quickly. Here's to the next 23. Lots of stuff to work on for school tomorrow...it'll be a busy day.
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