RATING: Strong R
SPOILERS: Anything up to and including season 8 is fair game. Anything involving mytharc has probably been hunted, skinned, cooked and eaten already ;) However, it is set from shortly after How the Ghosts Stole Christmas.
SUMMARY: This, Scully thought as she watched him, this changed everything. This was everything.
NOTES: I have taken HUGE liberties with the timeline and mytharc- but given the show’s general run toward inconsistency, I don’t think that really matters anyway! This story begins shortly after How the Ghosts Stole Christmas - probably early January. From there, I’ve cut and pasted and sewed the episodes of Season 6 (and a few other seasons) together to twist this fic into existence.
In this reality, Mulder isn’t colour blind. I think it’s a waste to have him unable to appreciate Scully’s hair. A most unfortunate plot device - one of many unfortunate plot devices -P
More notes at the end.
Go find the fic! Due to the length of this fic (Very Long) I've had to put it up at - i've linked directly to the fic itself - just click the link above!