Off to the library...again!

Feb 11, 2004 22:05

My super crazy week is almost over and then I can get back to my normalish crazy weeks. I am headed to the library right now, but being a procrastinator and all, I'm writing in here first. I have a stupid Research Methods test tomorrow. I need so many good luck wishes for that one, because that class is at 9:30 in the AM, meaning that I don't get there quite as often as I should...O:-)

After all my stupid classes tomorrow, I have to be a good little member of SAL (Sigma Alpha Lamda for future reference [it's an honor's society...not a sorority...I haven't quite crossed that line])...anyways... I have to donate blood which is scary but a really nice thing to do because there's a really big shortage and all. Then I get to work the blood drive, so you should all come visit me at 5:00 in the Union. You should really donate your blood, too. Stop being such big chickens!!! >:-0

This weekend should be all sorts of fun, too. It's Valentine's Day! (which rocks) ...and I get to hang out with the Katison on Friday night which is always a ton-O-fun! :-D It should just be a really good weekend! I'm excited! Ok...that's all! I'm off to the library now...:( I hate that place...all I get to do there is study! Oh well...g'night!

Oh wait! I am sooooo not done! I almost forgot! Has anyone ever seen the movie "Pink Flamingos?" It's from like 1972 or something like that. I had to watch it last night in my film class and I just wanted to say that it had to be the most disgusting thing I've ever seen. I was seriously considering walking out, but I didn't want to hurt my grade. I guess that's what you subject yourself to when you go to a liberal arts school *sigh*, but seriously, it was just really tasteless. Ok, now I'm really done...bye!!
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