Just Another Manic Monday....except not really!

Apr 08, 2002 17:00

Okay! Hi! Here, Cassie: This'll be a cheerier one, okay? Thanks everybody for your comments and IMs and everything. I really appreciate you all so so much! :) I had a really good weekend! I went shopping and was good and didn't buy anything, but I still had fun. I went to see 'The Taming of the Shrew' last night with Tony and that was really fun. I got pizza, which is always a good thing. I got to talk to some people last night that I haven't really talked to in a really long time, too, so that was most definitely cool!
I lost my hair monster this weekend, which was terrible, but I found it this morning! I was so happy because it's the only one that ever worked in my stupid uncooperative hair! I'm having a really good day! This goes to show that simple things really can make you happy! Like finding the hair monster wasn't enough, I got Cinna-minis for breakfast from Burger King. They are like the best breakfast food ever fashioned! lol I got to make a stress ball thingy with a balloon and flour! It was wonderful! And since I took like an hour to do that, Leah and I went to go get lunch when I was done and that was fun as always! I'm gonna miss Leah this summer...:( That's okay, though, 'cause she's gonna come visit lots and lots! :)
My computer is sick....:( I wish it would feel better because it keeps shutting down on me for absolutely no reason. It gives me the blue screen of death and then just goes blank...it's a very sad thing. I hope it can pull through...it would probably help if I had some sort of anti-virus...O:-) oops!
I can't believe it's only 18 days until I'm home...I know I keep saying that, but I mean it. This was like the fastest year of my life! It's been fun, though. Ooh! I get to go to Cleaveland this weekend! How fun and random is that?!? I get to go to an Indians game and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame! :) That has to be the only benefit of being this close to Ohio.
Okay...I think I'm gonna do some homework, now....HA HA HA....those of you who know me well know how funny that statement is...hehe. I'm seriously going to attempt it, though... :-D
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