Soooooooo I watched Shutter Island today...

Jun 30, 2010 20:56

Huh, how 'bout that. I was fretting over NOTHIN'. Yeah sure, just a few unsightly things not for the faint of heart here and there, but nothing major! I know, I'm horrible since I watched it without her. But A) she can't sit through a two hour movie and B) who knows when she'd watch ANYWAY? That''s okay, I'll watch it with her - maybe I'll just forewarn her about, you know, the language. That I don't mind forewarning her about. LOL

Then after that, I watched The Three Faces of Eve. Yup, just a good ol' psychiatry-filled movie day! I had that on my queue for a while, but never got around to watching. Soooooo...I did. Yep, that's 'bout it. 'Twas a good movie. Mmm yes quite.

Gizmo's such a little girl. He was in his playpen, supposedly sleeping, so I was secretly feeding Angel some lettuce. Little did I know or realize that we were standing right in front of his view...and he was up watching. So naturally, he wanted. I gave him a small piece of lettuce and it took him like two minutes to eat it. What a baby. LOL I always say that when he does things like that - "GOD he's such a BABY." and my mom's like, "...he IS a baby!" I like doing that to get a reaction out of her. Hehehe it was so funny, today they were both fighting over this little smiley doll man with arms and legs. I turned away for literally a minute and then when I looked back, he was completely dismembered with his limbs scattered all over the floor. To top THAT off, Angel soon let go of his body and picked up one of his limbs and started tossing that around. LMAO oh GODDDDDDDDDDd they fighting again. He's such a demon, so provoking - Angel just minds her own business and then he trots on over and initially is very sweet and starts licking her face. Two seconds of that and he's nipping her face with tiny but painful little teeth. So then SHE gets pissed off and starts tossing him around LOL it's bad, but sometimes I root her on. :P Because she obviously has limits and won't ever intentionally hurt him, she's a good dog. But HIM...Demon, as I like to call I can't imagine what it would be like if neither of them listened to us. At least when I tell Angel to leave and go somewhere else because he can't understand, she does it. Ohhhhh they just crazy. At this very moment, Angel's digging underneath my leg to bury her slobbery bone. Wonderful. LOL

Oooooooh my book is getting so good! I'd hope so, since I only have 70 pages left. I mean, I already know what's gonna happen...but HOW...and WHEN...that's a mystery. *Twilight Zone theme song plays* I love these kinds of books - British period pieces. I don't know why - they just great. Like The Woman in White, The Meaning of Night, and its sequel The Glass of Time - AWESOMMMMME! Seriously, I would get so giddy reading those, I would look forward to just sitting down and reading. :D I know, that sounds really geeky, but whatevs. I love those kinds of movies too - ones based off of Jane Austen novels and the like. I watched Jane Eyre a few nights ago - sigh, it was great. I know, I'm a big sap, but well...when romance has mostly been (let's not dig into the past, shall we!) and continues to be lacking in my life, I need to experience it somewhere else! LOL besides, the old classics like that, they're just so pure and innocent - not like the stuff we have nowadays...and I like happy endings. They like my live-action Disney movies! Without being stupid live-action Disney movies (ugh Chitty Chitty Bang LOL). They keep me completely disillusioned as to what love really is annnnnnnnnd that's just fine with me. :D At least I admit to it!

WOW what did I even do today. Oh yeah not much! What shocking news! And then ugh tomorrow I have a doctor's appointment...and Gizmo has his vet appointment. That just...ruins my afternoon. Which essentially the most important part of my day! And then Friday, my parents have a half day! That means today was it! OMGGGGGGGGhow awful. I don't really know what the thrill of being home alone is,'s all the rage. For moi. I want ice cream.

How is Eclipse out already? Better yet...why? Didn't they just release a stupid Twilight movie like uhhhhhhhhhh yesterday? GOSH! It's too much to take...yes, I have a tendency to judge books by their covers...literally...but they deserve to be judged! I can't help it. The more popular a stupid-sounding piece of work is, the more I dislike it. Harry Potter was there first. Now this. Why don't people get excited over The Thirteenth Tale? Or The Historian? Like me and Neha do? LOL I could completely understand THAT. :P Whatevs, to each their own. At least it's the end of it. And of Harry Potter too. Soon enough...I hope.

Okay I'm boring even myself now, I'mma go lollygagging somewhere else. Toodles!
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